
Lars Dahmén
...has worked in senior positions for over 30 years, with the last 15 years as CEO and Chairman of the Board, including roles at Sydsvenska Dagbladet, IDG, and Bonnier Magazines. In these various positions, he has been involved in developing a range of services and products, primarily in the media and related industries. During the industry's rapid transformation over the past decade, he has led several major change projects.
- Master's degree in Engineering Physics and Electrical Engineering from Linköping University
- MSc in Telecommunication Technology from Aston University, UK
Professional Experience:
- Editor-in-Chief of Computer Sweden, CEO of IDG AB, CEO and Editor-in-Chief of Sydsvenska Dagbladet
- CEO of Helsingborgs Dagblad, CEO of Bonnier Tidskrifter, Business Area Manager at Bonnier Magazines. Founder and partner at HiGear Transformation.
- Chairman of the Board of Bonnier Corporation (USA), Bonnier Publication (Copenhagen), advertising company Hela Skåne, distribution company Tidningsbärarna, and others.
- Board member of TT, Mediafy, Tidsam, Mentor Online, printing company Bold Malmö, and others.
- Master's degree in Engineering Physics and Electrical Engineering from Linköping University
- MSc in Telecommunication Technology from Aston University, UK
Professional Experience:
- Editor-in-Chief of Computer Sweden, CEO of IDG AB, CEO and Editor-in-Chief of Sydsvenska Dagbladet
- CEO of Helsingborgs Dagblad, CEO of Bonnier Tidskrifter, Business Area Manager at Bonnier Magazines. Founder and partner at HiGear Transformation.
- Chairman of the Board of Bonnier Corporation (USA), Bonnier Publication (Copenhagen), advertising company Hela Skåne, distribution company Tidningsbärarna, and others.
- Board member of TT, Mediafy, Tidsam, Mentor Online, printing company Bold Malmö, and others.

Magnus Bergström
.. is a Swedish forest manager with extensive experience in working on forestry projects worldwide, including in Mozambique, Senegal, Namibia, and Ethiopia. In various roles, he has worked for organizations such as SIDA, FAO, Afrikagrupperna, the World Bank, and SLU. For several years now, Magnus has been active in Honduras, serving as CEO of Visión Forestal and Ecoforest. Magnus Bergström is also a partner and CEO of Skogsvision AB, which develops sustainable timber production in the south, starting in Honduras.
- Västerby Forestry School and the Skinnskatteberg Forestry Master's School.
- Various courses in rural development, tropical land use, and research methodology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala. Environmental analysis, Gender Studies, and language studies (French and Spanish) at Linköping University.
- Training in development work at Sandö U-center in Härnösand.
Professional Experience
- Forestry worker at Skogssällskapet.
- Responsible for legal issues and forest regeneration at the Forest Care Board in Östergötland.
- Head of the establishment of an outdoor education center in Mjölby municipality.
- Worked on environment, forestry, and rural development for SIDA, FAO, the World Bank, SLU, Silvi-Nova, Hushållningssällskapet, the Institute for Agricultural & Environmental Engineering, Forum Syd, Afrikagrupperna, and Skogsvision AB in the following countries: Mozambique, Senegal, Namibia, Ethiopia, Honduras, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
- Currently serving as CEO of Skogsvision, focusing on reforestation in Honduras.
- Västerby Forestry School and the Skinnskatteberg Forestry Master's School.
- Various courses in rural development, tropical land use, and research methodology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala. Environmental analysis, Gender Studies, and language studies (French and Spanish) at Linköping University.
- Training in development work at Sandö U-center in Härnösand.
Professional Experience
- Forestry worker at Skogssällskapet.
- Responsible for legal issues and forest regeneration at the Forest Care Board in Östergötland.
- Head of the establishment of an outdoor education center in Mjölby municipality.
- Worked on environment, forestry, and rural development for SIDA, FAO, the World Bank, SLU, Silvi-Nova, Hushållningssällskapet, the Institute for Agricultural & Environmental Engineering, Forum Syd, Afrikagrupperna, and Skogsvision AB in the following countries: Mozambique, Senegal, Namibia, Ethiopia, Honduras, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
- Currently serving as CEO of Skogsvision, focusing on reforestation in Honduras.
- Phone:+46 70-268 38 07

Stina Powell
... is a researcher (PhD) in environmental communication at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU, and also works at the Centre for Gender Studies at Uppsala University. In her research, Stina focuses on issues related to sustainability, gender equality, and whose perspectives contribute to societal change. Her research also includes forests and their work on gender equality. She teaches in the master's program in environmental communication at SLU, blogs for the Swedish Research Council's magazine Curie, and is the chairperson of the scientific journal TGV.
- Doctor of Philosophy, SLU
- Master's in Anthropology and Development Studies, Uppsala University
Professional Experience:
- Coordinator, Uppsala University, Collegium for Development Studies (2000-2006)
- Investigator, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2006-2011)
- PhD candidate, SLU and Centre for Gender Studies, Uppsala University (2012-2016)
- Researcher, SLU (2016-present)
- Department Head (2016-2019)
- Adjunct Associate Professor, University of the Sunshine Coast, Faculty of Arts, Business, and Law, Sustainability Research Centre (2018-2021)
- Doctor of Philosophy, SLU
- Master's in Anthropology and Development Studies, Uppsala University
Professional Experience:
- Coordinator, Uppsala University, Collegium for Development Studies (2000-2006)
- Investigator, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2006-2011)
- PhD candidate, SLU and Centre for Gender Studies, Uppsala University (2012-2016)
- Researcher, SLU (2016-present)
- Department Head (2016-2019)
- Adjunct Associate Professor, University of the Sunshine Coast, Faculty of Arts, Business, and Law, Sustainability Research Centre (2018-2021)

Neil Powell
…is a professor in sustainable development. He has worked for over 30 years in the
sustainable development arena as a researcher, development practitioner, facilitator and
consultant in Australia, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Mekong Region and numerous European
During the past decade his work has focussed on developing approaches to generate eco- system services in agricultural and forestry settings.
- Ph.D. 1999, Department of Rural Development
- Studies, Swedish Agricultural University (SLU): “Co-Management in Non-Equilibrium Systems: Cases from Namibian Rangelands”. M.Sc. (nat. res) 1995, Norwegian University of Agricultural Sciences.
- B.A. (Geog.), 1986 University of New England
- Professor Swedish International Centre for Education for Sustainable Development, Uppsala University (ongoing)
- Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute
- Senior Programme Officer, Department for Natural Resources and Environment, Water Division, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Stockholm.
- Professor (ongoing appointment) in Sustainable Development, Sustainability Research Centre, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia
- Project Officer, The Namibian Nature Foundation (NNF), The Nyae Nyae, Namibia International Projects funded by: Sida, The European Union, Asia Pacific Network, Compagnia di San Paolo, VolkswagenStiftung, European Environmental Agency, Resources Institute, Biodiversity Support Fund, the Council for the Baltic Sea States, Zennström Philanthropies and Vinnova.
During the past decade his work has focussed on developing approaches to generate eco- system services in agricultural and forestry settings.
- Ph.D. 1999, Department of Rural Development
- Studies, Swedish Agricultural University (SLU): “Co-Management in Non-Equilibrium Systems: Cases from Namibian Rangelands”. M.Sc. (nat. res) 1995, Norwegian University of Agricultural Sciences.
- B.A. (Geog.), 1986 University of New England
- Professor Swedish International Centre for Education for Sustainable Development, Uppsala University (ongoing)
- Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute
- Senior Programme Officer, Department for Natural Resources and Environment, Water Division, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Stockholm.
- Professor (ongoing appointment) in Sustainable Development, Sustainability Research Centre, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia
- Project Officer, The Namibian Nature Foundation (NNF), The Nyae Nyae, Namibia International Projects funded by: Sida, The European Union, Asia Pacific Network, Compagnia di San Paolo, VolkswagenStiftung, European Environmental Agency, Resources Institute, Biodiversity Support Fund, the Council for the Baltic Sea States, Zennström Philanthropies and Vinnova.

Hilda Loly Madrigales
... was born and raised in Honduras, on the island of Roatan in the Caribbean. She has always been interested in nature and the environment, especially the marine environment, a natural interest given that Roatan is surrounded by coral reefs. After studying two high school programs concurrently, science and computer science, she trained to become a diving instructor.
In 2013, Hilda moved to Sweden and has been involved in Skogsvision's forestry project in Honduras since 2015. For the past three years, Hilda has also assisted Silverspoon, another Honduran company, in salvaging sunken timber in Mosquitia. Hilda is also responsible for the operation of a small hotel on Roatan in which she is a co-owner.
In 2013, Hilda moved to Sweden and has been involved in Skogsvision's forestry project in Honduras since 2015. For the past three years, Hilda has also assisted Silverspoon, another Honduran company, in salvaging sunken timber in Mosquitia. Hilda is also responsible for the operation of a small hotel on Roatan in which she is a co-owner.

Fredrik ekman
Fredrik Ekman har bott och verkat i de forna sovjetstaterna sedan 1988. Efter en kort sejour på Tetra Pak USSR Ltd byggde han under 90-talet upp det svenska kosmetikaföretaget Oriflame till ett av regionens mest välkända bolag.
Med den erfarenheten i ryggen grundade Fredrik ett riskkapitalbolag som under 00-talet investerade i ett dussintal entreprenörer i regionen som ville ha en dos nordisk företagskultur i sina bolagsbyggen.
Det är under denna period som Paskaias grundare Magnus Bergström kontaktar barndomsvännen Ekman för råd kring investeringar i Honduras. Det leder 2005 till en gemensam satsning på ädelträodling som i sin tur är upprinnelsen till Paskaia.
Sedan 2016 leder Fredrik Östkontoret, en sammanslutning av svenska storföretag som verkar för mer offentlig-privat samverkan på de komplexa marknaderna öster om EU. Till följd av Rysslands fullskaliga invasion är Östkontorets fokus sedan feb 2022 att förmå medlemmarna att göra allt man kan för att stärka Ukrainas förmåga att kämpa vidare
Med den erfarenheten i ryggen grundade Fredrik ett riskkapitalbolag som under 00-talet investerade i ett dussintal entreprenörer i regionen som ville ha en dos nordisk företagskultur i sina bolagsbyggen.
Det är under denna period som Paskaias grundare Magnus Bergström kontaktar barndomsvännen Ekman för råd kring investeringar i Honduras. Det leder 2005 till en gemensam satsning på ädelträodling som i sin tur är upprinnelsen till Paskaia.
Sedan 2016 leder Fredrik Östkontoret, en sammanslutning av svenska storföretag som verkar för mer offentlig-privat samverkan på de komplexa marknaderna öster om EU. Till följd av Rysslands fullskaliga invasion är Östkontorets fokus sedan feb 2022 att förmå medlemmarna att göra allt man kan för att stärka Ukrainas förmåga att kämpa vidare

Oscar Ekman
... has extensive experience in the agriculture and forestry industry. He has worked both in Sweden and internationally. He has substantial experience in voluntary work in various organizations. He is a partner in Ekman & Co and Skogsvision (reforestation in Honduras).
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the Stockholm School of Economics in 1975, Army Interpreter School (TolkS) 1975-76.
Professional Experience:
- Product Manager at Procter & Gamble Venezuela, Executive Assistant at Swedish Match. Entrepreneur in forestry, agriculture, and real estate.
- Board member of Carnegie, Ekman & Co, Sigtunastiftelsen, and the Ekman Foundations. Chairman of the board of Linköping Tennis Club.
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the Stockholm School of Economics in 1975, Army Interpreter School (TolkS) 1975-76.
Professional Experience:
- Product Manager at Procter & Gamble Venezuela, Executive Assistant at Swedish Match. Entrepreneur in forestry, agriculture, and real estate.
- Board member of Carnegie, Ekman & Co, Sigtunastiftelsen, and the Ekman Foundations. Chairman of the board of Linköping Tennis Club.